‘Mihai Bacescu’ Technical College from Falticeni, Romania, is a public school which offers its students high-quality educational standards at national and European levels based on responsibility, achievement, equality of chances in order to develop human values and obtain professional competencies which meet the demands of a democratic country based on knowledge. The numerous students who study here benefit from a thorough educational instruction which takes place in a friendly learning atmosphere. Having implemented more than 50 European projects, the school facilitates learning activities in order to achieve the best results in education and are designed to train the students in different professional domains with respect to European citizenship and values.

The “Sansi-Leonardi-Volta” Institute, in its current composition and physiognomy, was born on 1st September 2013 and has about 1000 students. Only apparently young, it represents in reality the merger of various historic schools the city of Spoleto (PG), central Italy: the Liceo Classico, Linguistico e delle Scienze Umane “Pontano-Sansi” founded in 1861, the Liceo Scientifico “Alessandro Volta”, founded in 1941 and the State Institute of Art “Leoncillo Leonardi”, founded in 1961. Therefore it now represents the educational history of the territory, which boasts a long cultural, didactic and pedagogical tradition, recognized and proven by learning outcomes of generations of students, also thanks to the ability to adapt the educational offer to social and cultural change, paying attention to the training needs of young people.

Logopsycom is an education innovation center that creates and uses alternative methods or tools (digital or not) to accompany schools, VET centers, educational organizations, youngsters and parents. It was initially created as a care company, specialized on learning disorders, among youngsters, especially in “Dys” (Dyspraxia, Dysphasia, Dyslexia, etc.), also called Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) and therefore always works on the accessibility of content.
SABA is a private vocational high school established in 2007. It has Business, Administration, Computer Science (IT) and Tourism Department and branches in Skopje, Bitola and Shtip. Today there are around 220 students studying at SABA and 40 employees. Students at SABA have the privilege to experience an educational system that is different from the public schools in Macedonia.They are focused on the field they study and they not only have theoretical, but also have much practical experience. After the students finish high schol at SABA they are really prepared to actually work in companies in the fields which they had learned for. During the past few years SABA is active in ERASMUS+ program. In 2019 SABA has received the Vocational Education and Training Mobility Charter. In 2020 SABA received Erasmus Accreditation in the field of VET.
YuzuPulse aims to bring innovation closer to the social economy and education. To do so, we accompany teachers in using ICT tools and gamification to offer innovative methods to teach languages and STEM, and to support the development of key skills and entrepreneurship in formal and non-formal education.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project number: 2021-1-BE01-KA220-SCH-000027783