D-ESL - Digital: English as a Second Language
Although critical, English learning is not efficient
English learning in the EU is critical to fostering unity, intercultural understanding, employability, and mobility.
Only 42% of students reach an independent level of proficiency in their first and second foreign languages (European Survey on Language Competencies, 2015), which can be partially explained by a lack of motivation and engagement.
The low students’ proficiency might also be explained by the absence of adaptations for students with specific needs, such as those with ‘Dys’ disorders, also called Specific Learning Disorders (SLDs).
Learners with SLDs need more support
The European Dyslexia Association (EDA, 2021) estimates that 9-12% of the European population has one or several SLDs. Moreover, it stresses that the multilingual demands of the EU are triggering difficulties for ‘Dys’ students. They need more support in language acquisition and foreign language learning than those with no special needs.
Our objective
Our project is aimed at helping teachers adopt innovative tools and practices like creating and using inclusive video games in their language courses, with the goal of raising the motivation, engagement, and participation of all their students, including those with SLD.
Creating games has never been easier
Nowadays, it is possible to make games with no-code, accessible tools like Genial.ly, RPGmakerV, Flowlab, or even PowerPoint. We provide games and pedagogical content that help raise the student’s motivation through non-formal and experiential learning. They are built around specific objectives to guide them towards improvement.
We also provide tutorials on how to make your own games adapted for learners with SLDs.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project number: 2021-1-BE01-KA220-SCH-000027783